Seriously, my day just took a few frustrating twists. For some odd reason I got the notion that the dress I picked for my Dec 5th upcoming Holiday dinner was TOO Fancy. Let's just say I got overly self conscious! In truth I don't like to Then I decided to do all sorts of research about what constitutes a semi-formal dress---BTW there are NOOOOO clear answers. It's so subjective. Some websites suggest understated 2 piece ensembles, shunning any satin dresses, etc. I was in a tizzy over what to do. Then I consulted an attendant from a previous year and she said that I was safe anyway I decided. Then I tried to figure out what shoes would go well with a hunter green dress if you DON'T have hunter green shoes. That took some research. The answers were nudes, metallics (provided you use them as accessories too) and black.
So I finally got the info I needed to proceed with the project. Great! After all of that worrying I discovered upon closer examination that my fabric was a little too heavy for the project. What?!?!?!?!?!? All that worry and headache for nothing!!!!! So that put me back at square one!!! Scrapping this project and needing to find another one. I decided to find another pattern and fabric from my stash.
I dug and dug and was able to turn up something while simultaneously On days like this I'm happy to have a fabric stash and decent pattern collection. After much digging around I turned up what I consider to be a lovely dress pattern and I pulled out a fancy piece of jacquard (gray, black, and bronze) that I'd bought this Summer while visiting family in TN.
So here's my new sewing plan for the Holiday dinner and I'm happy with it. Now I've got to get to work!
Whew! Glad all of the raucous has come to an end. It's kinda like the old song goes..."Mama, said there'd be days like this". Oh I wish sewing was all rainbows and unicorns. But as you know it comes with it's share of frustrations. In my world, it's ok to feel and accept the frustrations but by NO MEANS will I ever succumb to them. There's no giving up as far as I'm concerned. I've got 10,000 hours to get under my belt. Hey if you gave up anytime anything got frustrating you'd never get anywhere in life. Heck, I think all parents would've stopped after just having one kid! LOL!
As always I'll keep pressing on! Besides, I'm a firm believe that opposition makes you sharper and will reveal your focus. I'm excited about my new sewing plan and am working on the muslin now. So my question for you is how do you handle sewing frustrations?