Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Inspiration and a Gift for Myself!

Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!!! I woke up this morning just so thankful for life and for this day! I feel so blessed. I've got a healthy and happy family, home, food, friends and family I love dearly, YOU and all sorts of blessings (most of which money can't buy)! I love this time of year in that it gets me to focus on the important things in life that really matter.

As I watched my daughter open her gifts I had a bit of an epiphany. I'm not one for gifts for myself this time of year but I realized that I needed to give MYSELF a GIFT today! I realized that I needed to give myself the gift of "a chance". Truth be told since venturing off into self-employment I've been working my little tooshie off on several projects (sewing and non-sewing) but when it came to my pursuit of fashion design--- my heart had retreated into a state of uncertainty and doubt. I've got BIG sewing dreams (most I've only shared with a handful of folks) and I feel like I'm on the path to make them happen. But every once in a while I look at where I am and think of how far I've got to go that my doubts & fears paralyze me.  I'm always happy for moments like today that bring me back to my usual positive self. What have I got to fear? God's got my back (which means EVERYTHING to me) and I have so many supportive family and friends cheering me on. I can do this! I KNOW I can! So today I snapped out of my mental paralysis and got back to studying draping and patternmaking. I REALLY LOVE the idea of being able to come up with a design and know exactly how to execute it. I don't want to always depend on commercial patterns. I feel a bit creatively stagnated by them.

Anyhow I've been enjoying family and reading/studying draping & patternmaking for most of the day. As I mentioned before I'm working to re-create a gown I made for a client last month on my mini half-scale form. I'm making progress. I draped the front and just need to finish the back. I'm really having fun with this. I hope to post a pic of the draped "mini version" gown really soon!
 (Draping on the form. There's the pattern I'm recreating. Pinned out my dart and have drawn my stylines in the front)

 Helen Joseph Armstrong's Draping book lesson on draping on the bias. I'm technically not since the dress I'm remaking is a knit but I could go this route in practicing with a woven fabric so I get the body hugging fit.

I LOVE my books. I've learned something different from each of them!

Anyhow....I've had a great day and needless to day feel renewed in spirit. It's nice to get back to my design and draping and patternmaking work. Hope you're enjoying a wonderful Christmas.

Again.....Wishing you and your family a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!


  1. There is much to be said about taking time for oneself and reflecting! Go for it. You are so young and I always say to my husband, "if one lives twenty more years" can you imagine what one can accomplish with a plan?

  2. I love your positive thinking and the confidence that you have in our creator. You really sound happy and focused! That's a beautiful essence to share.

  3. Go for it! I'm the same when it comes to fashion design, there's nothing like creating your own patterns. I can't wait to see your finished drape, I'm about to get stuck into the same book :)

  4. Hi, I'm interested in getting a review of my Sewing lessons site on Tenthousandsewinghours. I am willing to pay.I was wondering if that is something that you would be interested in?

    I can provide the content if you like. Let me know
    Rob Dunfey

  5. I have watched your sewing evolve and I can see the talent and motivation there for you to have this happen in your life. Look forward to seeing your draping evolve.

  6. I have those same 2 Helen Joseph Armstrong books! I haven't really had time to explore the contents of the Draping book, but at least I ticked one thing of my to-do list this year by actually buying it! Good luck with your experiment in draping, I'm hoping I'll have time in the coming year to do my own draping experiments.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment and for following me on my 10,000 Hour Sewing Challenge:)


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