Sunday, August 6, 2017

Summer Sewing Projects and NEW BLOG CHALLENGE!!!!

I'm so sorry I've been away for too long. Not intentional! Been a busy little bee churning out some serious sewing projects in the last few weeks. If you follow me on Instagram HERE then you probably already know since I post daily. Anywho, here are a few of the projects I've done. I've done a good bit of client sewing too. Can't post everything---would take a while to dig up pics but check out my Instagram for more and for the pattern numbers. I made a few comments about the projects below too.

This is one of the new Vogue pattern--9259. I made it using knit instead of a more stable fabric as suggested. I wanted a heavier drape and the legs to be less full. I did take in the legs a good bit and stabilized the heck out of the sides and front so things wouldn't stretch out of place. Turned out great!

-Easy and fun project made out of cotton

 -No pattern used for skirt. Top is McCall's body suit. Made the medium. Warning--I added 1/2 elastic around the bodysuit neckline. There was no way it was going to fit snuggly without it. A stable knit really is key.

 -Oop Butterick skirt with rayon fabric. Love this. Used previously madee black bodysuit for this outfit.

 -Love this dress. I made 3 different versions for clients. This was one of my faves.

 Swimsuit coverup I made for weekend getaway w/ Hubby!

 -Simplicy 1318 completed yesterday using really old fabric from my stash. I modified the pattern a bit by making it longer in the front and ditching the band. Love this! Will make more kimono's. They are fun to wear!

 Butterick 5614 top in a fun print

 Our popular dress is on sale and for a GREAT price! Get yours today!

-As most of you know I do custom sewing but I also have an Image and Style business called Dressed in 10 ( We've got a new logo and look. Our Dressed in 10 Image and Style University courses are available for individual topics. If anyone is struggling with style then getting great information is the best place to start!!! Go HERE for more info!

Ok, and last but not least! I have a bit of a surprise. I'm starting a new challenge. That's right a NEW CHALLENGE! STAY tuned--- details coming soon! 

In the meantime can't believe Summer will be over soon. What sewing projects have been the highlight of your Summer? Were you as productive as you hoped? Learn any new skills? Take on any new challenges????


  1. You have a great eye for colour and print. Love your makes.

  2. Everything is BEAUTIFUL Victoria!

  3. I love all your garments, and see you have been busy! My summer was not productive, but I did enjoy sewing a few off the shoulder tops. I will stay tuned to your challenge.

  4. I love all that you've made, but that orange skirt with the black bodysuit is really spectacular on you. I have been consumed with making my dd's wedding dress. It's taking much longer than I anticipated! I did make a few things earlier in the summer for myself, but not as much as I cut out!

  5. You are always so productive - love your makes!

  6. You know I love everything you make! I also have been following you and saw almost everything above too! I know that you're a "Very" busy person and I'm trying to muster up a lot more sewing mojo like you have!

  7. I love all of your creations, beautiful bold colours that I love. I feel like I need to get a move on now after seeing your garment filled post! x

  8. Dang girl! Looks like you have been very busy and very creative. Blessings to you.

  9. You are so creative, well done! I'd love to have those skills.
    Instead of that, I'm quite good at managing a company with some help from dynamics 365 licensing.
    So when did you start sewing?

  10. You certainly have been busy. Love all the pieces!

  11. What gorgeous clothing. You are truly talented.

  12. Victoria, I saw the recent YouTube video, and was so surprised! Thank you so much for asking Mr. Jim my questions! Yes, I was referring to the padstitching that was done. I so appreciate everything that both of you do in the interest of home garment sewists! Your and Mr. Jim's work is absolutely wonderful, both of you are an inspiration. Again, many thanks.

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Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment and for following me on my 10,000 Hour Sewing Challenge:)


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