Selfie in the Boston Ballet Costume Room---nothing but floor to ceiling beautifully---most in-house sewn costumes)
I spent last week in Boston and had an amazing time!!! Part of my time was spent roaming the Boston Ballet costume department looking at all of the beautifully sewn costumes. But before I jump ahead to that let me back up a bit and start from the beginning. I was there on retreat with my Business Mastermind group (love these talented and driven ladies), attending the Inbound conference. Side note---if you have the chance to be in a Mastermind group take it. I'm in 2 and LOVE them. As a business owner it's so important to have the right support, encouragement and connections. Ok, back to the conference---there was about 14K in attendance and featured some awesome speakers like Seth Godin, Daniel Pink, Brene Brown and Sophia Ambrosa from Nasty Gal. To top off my trip as aforementioned I also got the chance to visit the Boston City Ballet Costume Department. My Draping teacher helped arrange this visit (she's done work with the Boston Ballet). I was SUPER EXCITED to have this opportunity. And the experience was AMAZING!!! Pictures say alot more than words so here goes...

Hanging out at Inbound---managed to sneak in before the huge crowds did!
Me and My Girls!!! These are some talented and hard working entrepreneurs!!!
Opening talk with Seth Godin very inspiring---he has the best marketing advice
Super excited to hear Sophia Amoruso---creater and designer for Nasty Gal clothes...
She gave great entrepreneur advice about how to build a great business. I LOVED her dress---it's held together with hook and eyes!!!
Comedian Amy Schumer stopped in.....she was her usual "unfiltered self" (clears throat) LOL
Chelsea Clinton was also a guest speaker in addition to many others and session speakers too! I learned a great deal from the conference.
Also, did some sightseeing.....
Visited the Harvard bookstore....
Saw this book there----it's actually going to be a movie. Would love to see it!
Was pleasantly surprised and moved to stumble upon the Shaw Memorial depicting the
54th Regiment --the first Black infantry in the Civil war (remember the movie "Glory" with Denzel Washington and Matthew Broderick---which I LOVE---depicts the story) This statue sits across from the State house and is huge. The detail is magnificent made me teary eyed!!!
I got to go to the popular tourist attraction----The Cheers bar where the show was filmed. My Dad used to love that show LOL!
After a LONG week of sessions and learning I couldn't think of a better way to end my trip than by visiting the Boston Ballet!
Exterior view...
The building was huge consisting of several floor and lots of dancers in their various classes. The school is very prestigious and one ranking high in training excellence! It was great seeing the dancers!
I was taken to the costume work room where I got to meet all of the talents behind the costume production, alterations and maintenance. Here's an underskirt that was being worked on.....
Time out for selfies and smiles!
This bodice was made impeccably with amazing skill and attention to detail:)
Charles, who oversees and runs the costume department took me into the costume closet where he allowed me to roam freely and introduced me to some great pieces. Here's one---there are a ton of ruffles on that can-can skirt.
BTW, the black velvet trim was sewn on top of the orange fabric. Each strip! Amazing accuracy and lots of work!
A lovely tutu! I like the layers and how it's engineered to stay up and flared! It has a "panty" built in which makes it easy and secure to wear!
BEAUTIFUL ballerina costume! I couldn't stop staring at it. Pics don't do it justice....
I had to touch it for myself!
Love these bow details. Everything was sewn amazingly well! There were hundreds of costumes all with their signature detail!!! All so artistically beautiful!!!
A stack of tutus! It's funny that making one of these can take as much as 22 hours!
Men's tailored costume. Most are borrowed since the shop primarily focuses on dressmaking
Hand painted and pleated---I forget the fabric but I believe that 1200yds total was painted and used to make a whole lot of these skirts!!! Talk about a job LOL!
Printed Organza butterfly! What a great effect! They were spread out on this skirt.
Another tutu with a TON of beading!!! Took several weeks to do!
Charles and the rest of the group were such GRACIOUS hosts! I enjoyed seeing the work space, costumes and meeting such great people! I thoroughly enjoyed my visit!!!