Happy Sunday!!! Hope you're having a restful day. Here's my usual "Sewing Jots and Tittles" post detailing the goings on in my overactive little brain. Look on if you dare......
Sewing, Fashion and Such
Haven't seen in stores yet. Don't really need since I have a serger but I'm curious......I wonder how different it is from wooly nylon???
Saw this dress at the Museum of Science and History in Jacksonville, FL. The details were stunning......
and so were these.......this silk dress was beautifully sewn!
LOL! At night you can see all of my dressforms from outside!
Been on a bit of a Craftsy binge! I'm learning tailoring but have to get my draping in too! Got'em for $14.95 & $19.95! Love a good Craftsy sale! Now if I can only find time to watch them!!!
Easily my favorite sewing tool!!! Love these!!!
Tailoring class is going great!!!! You can read more about it
HERE. I'm learning so much!!! We're fine tuning my pants pattern now.
I bought it!!! Love walking down memory lane. My favorite bio's are the one's from the "self taught" contestants!!!! Very inspiring!!!
Almost done! Been working on this for the last month. Lots of client work and tailoring class interruptions!
Who remembers this stuff??? Go ahead and date yourself!!! My Mom used to use it when I was a little girl.
Who knew soy, dairy and gluten free could be so good???
Lightning struck a tree at my job. You can see straight through it now!!!
My Hubby did a great job playing " DwayneWilson" in the play "Harvey"!!!
Food staging is so interesting. How in the world do they get the flakes to stand straight up. I bet it's not even milk in the bowl. Probably glue! LOL!
After a full day at the water park (upper pic on left) someone had a hard time waking up the next morning. Someone's gotta teach her how to "handle her fun" a bit better! What a hangover!!! LOL!!!!
Best salad dressing ingredients!!!
Why I love to drive in Savannah----rows of trees!!!
I couldn't find this stuff anywhere. Amazon.com to the rescue. Can't wait to use it next time I make ribs or pulled chicken!
What a great fortune!