
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

24 Hour Sale--- 20% Off my BurdaStyle Pants Fitting Course!

I've had a great turnout for my class! Registration for my course has been extended through this week and BurdaStyle decided to sweeten the deal by throwing in a last minute coupon. You know , for you folks still on the fence about registering LOL!  Get 20% off my pants fitting course using the code Baylor20 in the checkout. Coupon expires at midnight tonight so act now! Remember this course is the ultimate pants fitting course and will help you examine problems and solutions from all angles. I promise you'll have a more comprehensive understanding of pants fitting when you finish this course. I also threw in some construction shortcut and styling tips as an added bonus. What are you waiting for? Sign up today!!! Go HERE for details :)

Sunday, June 28, 2015

LA Trip/ Mimi G Conference Wrap Up!

My time in LA was short but was GREAT, Worthwhile and FUN!!! That was actually my first time in LA and it's a really cool city. It's fast paced but not uncomfortably so. I've heard alot of people talk about how different it is from the south. I grew up as a Military brat so I've moved all over and I'm used to regional differences.  Mimi G's conference, the main reason for being there, was really cool as well. I went along to assist Mr. Jim (you all know him as Gentleman Jim) who was giving a presentation on Tailored Jacket Construction Shortcuts. His presentation was GREAT (as usual) and he was well received. Being a Master Tailor with 50+ years of experience means you know a WHOLE LOT of short cuts, tricks and just have the plain skill and craftsmanship to make superb clothes! I always love learning from him! Anyhow I left for LA Friday afternoon and stayed til' Sunday Afternoon. I have to admit I did alot in those few days. Here's a picture recap....

I stayed at a swanky hotel--the Hotel Figueroa! The architecture was absolutely beautiful! It's an artsy Moroccan inspired hotel. Just loved the lobby, it was huge!

 The Conference was held at the Gorgeous Marriot at L.A. Live

 I REALLY hate selfies but I loved the energy from the conference that I just had to get myself in it. There were hundreds of Ladies!

 Mimi G stepped out and the ladies greeted her enthusiastically.  She was kind, energetic and funny. She looked exactly as she does online and was alot taller then I thought (smile).

Proof that I was actually there LOL

 Mr. Jim Wow-ing the crowd!!! He gave a wonderful presentation complete with Powerpoint and jackets and jacket pieces he'd sewn together. Everyone just marveled at his work and techniques!

Got a picture with the main attraction herself!!! It was such a pleasure getting to meet Mimi! I was even surprised she knew who I was. 

 After years of following her blog I got to meet Kelly Horton in person! You all know her at her blog HERE. She's one talented sewer and stylish Chick!

 I met the uber talented Candice Ayala for the first time. She makes the most BEAUTIFUL clothes for her daughter on her blog HERE. Just beyond cute!!!

 Didn't plan it but I ran into Actor Darius McCrary while in the hallway. He was modeling at a fashion show. Looks familiar? Remember, he played Eddie Winslow on Family Matters back in the day.

 Also, had the distinct pleasure of running into some of my blog followers. Anytime I do I tell them they're automatically going to get posted on my blog. Here's the lovely Crest

And here's the lovely Connie

 More hotel lobby photos. Man, I didn't need a room, just should have dragged down a pillow and slept there. Loved it!

 After a day of hard work and a successful presentation I took to the streets and hooked up with my big Bro (only by 2 years) who lives in LA. He's a boxer, model, etc. I haven't seen him in a few years.  We enjoyed a nice dinner.....

FOOOODDDD! Wolfgang Puck threw down! LOL!

Clowning around downtown....

 Hanging out in the hotel lobby....

 Feeling quite regal in the big fancy chair!!! LOL!

 I may have to switch up my home decor. Feeling the Morrocan look!

 At 5'8" I'm the shortest in the family! LOL!

The day of departure took to the streets of LA with Mr. Jim to get some breakfast before our flight!!!

Wow that was a face paced weekend! We sure got a lot done, met some great folks and talked about our life's passion----SEWING!!!  Nothing like being surrounded by a large group of folks with the same passion. Such a memorable, productive and fun weekend!!! BTW, if anyone's interested in getting Mr. Jim's presentation info (Powerpoint, Videos, worksheets, etc) you can do so HERE....

Also, don't forget my BurdaStyle pants fitting course is going Live on Monday. You still have time to sign up this week. Go HERE for more details!!! I look forward to having you in my class!!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day to this Guy!!!!

I flaked really bad on my Hubby's birthday on May 31st. I went to write a birthday post for him and just froze up. Complete loss of words. Sometimes trying to find the right words to say about someone who means so much to you will make you do that. Sometimes mere words seem so inadequate---a feeble attempt at best.......

But I'll take another stab at it now! I want to say Happy Father's Day to a Man who is ADORED as a Father and has done everything to earn that and more! Jimmy you are a PHENOMENAL Father! PHENOMENAL plain and simple! You've been an attentive and hands-on dad since day one. You and your "Mini-Me" (I have never met 2 people who act more alike) are truly the best pair and I love the way you are together. Thank you for continuing the Legacy of "Good Dad's" we've both been blessed to experience and for showing our daughter what a true hero looks like!!! You are her biggest hero! You're everything to our little girl. Thank you for that!!!

Happy Father's Day Babe!!!!
P.S. Happy Belated Birthday!!!Hope this proves that I can actually be rendered speechess! LOL!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

SNEAK-PEEK: One Shoulder Mermaid Gown African Print Gown

Over a week ago I finished up a gown for my client to wear to a Church banquet. The gown turned out quite lovely and my client RAVED about it and received tons of compliments. I can't take credit for the design since I replicated a gown my client found online  (I'll reveal which one in my follow-up post) but I loved the task of "knocking off" the gown (made it about 95% similar to the original) and all the many new things while doing so. Here's a sneak peek pic my client sent to me. She's planning on doing a photo shoot so hopefully I'll get more formal pics soon and tell you more about the process. In the meantime preparing to fly to L.A. for the Mimi G Conference to help and support Gentleman Jim who will be presenting. I'm looking forward to seeing some of you guys there!!!! Should be an exciting weekend!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Got Pants Fitting Issues?- Let me Help you Resolve Them!!!!

My BurdaStyle Pants Fitting Course goes LIVE on  Monday, June 29th!!!!

Trust me, if you have pants fitting issues then this is the course just for you!!!  I struggled with fitting pants for many years and was happy to overcome that challenge and share my "pants fitting equation" to help you overcome it as well! Pants fitting isn't hard, it's all about knowing which steps to take and in what order.

As most of you know I had the distinct pleasure of developing and filming a Pants Fitting Course in  partnership with BurdaStyle. I blogged about it HERE and HERE. It was a phenomenal experience!!! The course is an excellent one, if I do say so myself. For those who have seen my webinars you know how in-depth and detailed I like to be. This is where my research science background tends to kick in (for those new to my blog---in my past life I did Microbial Ecology Research).  This course is no different. If anything it's the largest I've ever done. There is so much video footage and instruction.  In this course I cover pants fitting in-depth and give a comprehensive approach to understanding it. I also give the tools of a "pants fitting equation" that will show you my step-by-step on how rid yourself of fit issues. Whether you are a newbie at pants fitting or even an old pro who wants to pick up some "new tricks" then this course if for you. I promise you'll find it informative, enjoyable and inspiring.

You can read more about the course and all it's details HERE. Sign up today.

Trust me you don't want to miss out on this.

BTW, I'm awaiting some pics of a gorgeous gown I just finished and was recently worn to a banquet so I'll put posting about my June sewing  on hold until I get those.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Fallen Soldier

Oooohhhh.....that utter feeling of shock, hurt, panic and regret that you get when you drop your beloved pruning tip scissors right on their micro tip! I use these things for everything--snipping loose threads, marking notches, etc. Ugghh....hope I didn't dislodge the spring or knock the screw loose this time. SMH. Ohhhh, the day in the life of a sewer and their many unwanted adventures! LOLLLL!

Happy June everyone!!! On to happier news---Next up, my sewing plans for this month:)