
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Some Fearless February Motivation on the WAY!!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful MLK day on yesterday. It was really neat that the Inauguration coincided with it!!! I was planning to do a video tonight but my hair is a hot mess! How do I know, well my daughter looked at me and told me so LOL!!!! Can't go onto the world wide web looking crazy! LOL! So I've postponed it for later this week. In the meantime I've nearly picked out all of the pieces I intend to sew for the Fearless February Challenge!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I'm beyond excited! If this is the first time you're hearing about it then you can visit my post about it HERE!!!! Come one and come all! This is a challenge encourages us ALL to push the boundaries of our sewing by trying to sew something we've either put off, been intimidated by, or have always wanted to try. I think the energy is SO much more great with all of us doing it as a group. There's strength and inspiration in numbers!!!!! So why don't you join the sew-along? We'd all love to have you!!!!  Sew-Along details HERE and you can pick up the Button to add to your blog HERE! Please feel free to spread the word!!!!!!!!!!!

 I'll reveal my sewing plans on February 1st. I'm still running around gathering up supplies. I had a great time looking through fashion mags and patterns, deciding what to sew. But I can give you somewhat of a hint of one thing I'll be tackling. Guess what got shipped this afternoon and is on the way to me......................hint: it's a sewing book................and it was on my Christmas Wish list.................Give up?


Yes! Connie Crawford's, "The Art of Fashion Draping" textbook. I already own her 3rd edition and Helen Joseph Armstrong's Draping for Apparel Design--but I after much research knew this would suit me better!!!! It was released in 2012 and has at least 200+ extra pages then my 3rd edition. I have been stalking this thing for months. It's been holding steady at around $90-$100. So when I saw it on for $55 you know I had to pounce on it. Needless to say I will be draping something and sewing it up to wear before February's up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One act of fearlessness!!!! I'm so excited!!!! Next month I plan to take "fearless" to the next level and keep that mindset for the rest of the year. We're going to do some big things this year. Can't you feel it. Ok, I'm getting a bit too excited. Let me get back to cutting out some leggings. This week I plan to complete 3 knit pencil skirts, 2 leggings, and a top. All is cut out but the one pair of leggins and the top. Then the sewing begins! Gotta make up for missing 2 weeks of sewing......


  1. Looking forward to seeing how you like the The Art of Fashion Draping textbook, because I have been eyeing it, too, debating whether to buy it, because I also have Helen Joseph Armstrong's Draping for Apparel Design. But I am very curious about Connie Crawford's book. :)

  2. Hello HSB---you can preview a few sections on the book at Connie Crawford's website. She has at least 10-12 pages or so you can see here......

    That's what won me over. The writing and pictures are pretty clear and understandable for me. Again I have Armstrong's book as well but for some reason I understand Crawford's teaching style better. Plus I heard her book has a section on draping knits. I'm all about knit styles!!!

  3. I am really looking forward to seeing your draping project! I am just way too intimidated to try draping. Flat pattern making suits the way my mind works much better.

  4. Wow! I really love your icon for the Fearless February sew along. I'm looking forward to seeing your design collection.

  5. Hi,
    In honor of fearless february I am having a small pattern giveaway. Please spread the message and enter if you see one you like. All the details are listed on the blog


    PS.I hope it is okay to post this here if not please remove.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment and for following me on my 10,000 Hour Sewing Challenge:)