
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My first daring attempt for the New Year.....

Happy New Year Everyone!!!! It's nice to be back! I took a little time off, as I usually do at the beginning of the year, to get myself centered and get my priorities on track. I'm starting off the year by doing something bold-----well at least something bold by my standards. On a whim I thought I'd enter the Aquafina Project Runway 11 Challenge---you know just for fun. Check the link for details. Simply put you just had to enter a drawing/pic/sketch that showcased the essence of who you are and then include the caption......I am Pure______(fill in the blank). The big prize is 4 of the picks get to go to NYC to see the Project Runway 11 Season Finale Fashion Show. Oh how I would LOVE to win!!!!!!!!!!

Again, I figured I'd try some new things this year. You know go out on a limb. Be a little bolder. I'm NO MAJOR artist or anything. But hey what have I got to lose, right. So I'd been thinking about this challenge for the last few days and thought I had a design in mind---one I made earlier last year. Well it turns out I somehow left my sketchbook at work. I almost just ditched the whole idea but at the last minute thought I'd just try to sketch something up real quick. I just took 15 minutes or so. I can't really say where the inspiration came from. I just started drawing and it came. Of course the thought of water itself had something to do with it. I don't think it's all that bad. So here's my drawing.......
(Hubby laughed that she appeared pigeon-toed, like he is LOL!)

and my caption is
"I am Pure Stimulation"

I was really drawn to that description of myself. I love Merriam Webster's definition for stimulation---"to excite to activity or growth,  or greater activity". I LOVE to inspire others and help them achieve their potential so I think it fits. Hopefully no one will think of submission in any lewd ways--the combination of this dress and the word stimulation. I don't know, the split on my dress is awful high! LOL!

Well keep your fingers crossed for me.  We'll see what happens. There are some really nice submissions.

Nevertheless I'm proud that I did something out of the box (and put it out there for the world to see) despite all my doubts and second guessing. Sometimes you've just got to try something new and daring. It's liberating!!!!

Update 1/10/13  I didn't make the final 10 cut. But thanks for all of your wonderful compliments and I was more than happy to give it a shot!!!!!!!!!!

How about you, have you done anything NEW, Daring or BIG in the sewing department this New Year????


  1. Go for it! My fingers are crossed for you. Your sketch is good. It illustrates your vision.Not lewd but soft,flowing and creative.
    I had been planning to show my artwork on my blog but I'm still afraid.

    1. Thanks Lisa H!!!! I feel alot better:). Girl, go ahead and showcase some of your artwork. I know it's sometimes difficult to make something so intimate so public! Just start with one piece. I'd love to see your work!!!

    2. BTW, somehow I'd been missing out on your sewing on your blog. I added you to my blogroll. Your work is awesome!!!! Love the snakeskin jacket! With work like this what are you worried about. Girl you need to showcase your sketches LOL!!!!

  2. Oh, I think you so deserve to win such a wonderful trip. Can't wait to see this take shape. No drama in the sewing room here but I love watching i elsewhere this year.

    1. Jane M you are kind:) I'm keeping my fingers, toes, and everything crossed. At the very least I'm glad to have had the opportunity to do something new and a bit unusual.

  3. I love the Sketch. Can't wait to see the final cut!

  4. Great job with your sketch,so proud of you gurl. I have been trying to learn how to sketch forever, i just don't know how to. God know's how I passed Engineering drawing in college, it has to be with one part of my brain...anyways. Nothing has been happening in my sewing world except for few knit fabrics i got during the new year sale. I am still trying to get myself together, I have plans but the mojo is just lacking. All the best Victoria, you've always been a source of inspiration. Happy new year to you and all yours

  5. Congratulations on your challenge and I hope you win... especially with your great sketch! Nothing like a little challenge for some inspiration and to take you to the next level.

  6. I can't draw to save my soul. I think you did a fantastic job and I love the design! Very flowing and wavy, just like water is ;) You should now bring this dress to life :)

    1. Thanks Erica! That's the effect I was sorta going for!

  7. Oh, and best of luck! I hope you are one of the winners!

  8. Good luck and hope you get to go and see Project Runway.. How fun, that would be. I think your drawing is just beautiful.. Love the dress ,it looks like the ocean.. so full of waves and brings calming..
    Wish I could draw.. Mine would have to be a stick lady.hahaha


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment and for following me on my 10,000 Hour Sewing Challenge:)