
Monday, June 20, 2011

Try Fast, Fail Fast / 1000 Pair of Pants???

  So I was doing a little research the other day pertaining to the habits of successful people. Most of you have read the book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" (I've read some of it and it's still on my reading list). But every now and again I need a refresher. You know you get into a slump and don't feel like you're getting much accomplished.
  Well during an online search I ran across an interesting I ran across the article "5 Winning Habits of Successful People-Do you Have Them All?". Needless to say at first glance the article offered the usual and common advice of 1. Having an end in mind, 2. Have a support group, etc. But it was habit # 5 that really stuck out to me. Habit #5 is "Try fast, fail fast, keep trying and never give up. There was something about that point that REALLY stuck out to me. I've never entertained the notion of "try fast  & fail fast".  I interpret this phrase as don't waste any time. Get in there and give it a go and if you fail, do so, get it over with and take another stab at it! So I started to think about this concept when it comes to my sewing. I can't tell you how often I seem to "mourn" over a failed project or how often I put off giving a sewing project a try due to a feeling of intimidation. What I'm learning to do is just go for it. Heck, OUT with all of the reservation!!!! Just take a stab at it. Ok, I might not know EXACTLY what I'm doing but that's where learning comes in, huh? But we should never let the fear of failure prevent us from giving something a try. What have I got to lose. So if I waste 5 yards of silk, It's only fabric, right? LOL (wink)!
   Well as I mentioned in my last post, I had the notion to sew up some white pants and that's exactly what I did this weekend. Unfortunately I didn't have stellar results. I used the Jalie 2909 pattern that I sewed up HERE.  The pants which are a cotton sateen turned out great with the exception of the back leg wrinkles.  I had this problem when I originally sewed this pattern in black cotton sateen but they seem to be more pronounced in white.
 (Front turned out great, just like last year's version)

(The fit on my bum is good, it's the upper leg wrinkles that I detest.)

Either way, although I sewed up my pants and they didn't turn out as perfectly as I wanted them I'm happy I just did it anyway. Sewing very fitted pants is a special skill and I just need to figure out how to reduce the length of back leg pant on this pattern. I already found this helpful info and I have some other resources to check out. I'll take any of your suggestions as well. Also, I have other pants patterns I plan to give a go at. I have pants I want to deconstruct and convert into patterns and ultimately I plan to draft up my pants sloper. I've enjoyed sewing & fitting pants because it's so complex and I learn something new every time!
  So I'm cool. I can't wait to have another go at it. I just have to get some more white fabric. But I'm left with the lasting thought of "Try fast, fail fast, keep trying and never give up". Again, I love the "try fast & fail fast" part. What a great reminder!!!! You can't just embrace your success without doing so with your failures. It's your failures that makes success so sweet! Besides, it's been said that Thomas Edison tried more than 1,000 times to develop the filament for the light bulb . When asked about this Edison simply said " I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."  What a great response!!!!! He's also quoted at saying "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time".
Such wise words!!! So let's get out there and  push the boundaries of our experience. Remember: "Try fast, fail fast, keep trying and never give up"!!!

What have you been wanting to sew but have been putting it off? Why? Do you feel courageous enough to tackle it???


  1. I think that is *excellent* advice. It reminds me of the phrase "Just Do it." I think we can all use more of that in our lives. :)

  2. This is a great question. When I made the Lady Grey coat I tackled (in a supported fashion) just about everything I'd never done that freaked me out. And what I realized is that, every time you do a new project, you're starting from scratch. Sure, the more I sew hems or waistbands or when I learn how to perform a new technique (lapped zipper), I gain experience that takes me to the next project. But there are lots of things that are just as scary the next time. Occasionally, this overwhelms me about sewing. How will I ever get to the really hard stuff when lots of it seams so unknowable.

    I don't mean to sound negative - of course, I try and take risks and succeed at least some of the time. But sewing a Sencha blouse in silk won't stop there. I'll have to figure out, not only a fine fabric, but how to interface the placket without using fusible. And therein lies a can of worms, I mean, adventure!

  3. Great advice! I've begun to rip apart a pair of pants that I ripped a hole in so I can use them for a pattern, too! I already know they fit; no use wasting them! =]

  4. Great post! I will think about it long and hard when sitting down to sew tomorrow. As for your pants, I think they look pretty good.

  5. Do you need to give yourself a little more material on the uppermost back leg seam? Are the wrinkles pulling towards the inside seam because there needs to be a bit more room there? I don't know. Just an idea.

    I am putting off sewing a pair of cargo pants with a pocket detail that makes me just want to sigh with weariness for some reason. Usually I am pretty good at diving in, because I figure the material wasn't doing me any good on the roll, so a potential mess up isn't all that - but these pants just make me weary.

  6. Thank-you for becoming a follower on my blog!
    Love your words of wisdom - so true.
    As for your pants - it's hard to see, but it does look to me that you just need to scoop out the back curve just a bit more.

  7. So true K-Line----I tried using chiffon for a pattern that called for satin and was stopped dead in my tracks since I had to figure out a new way to bind the neckline. You're right---it can be a bit overwhelming.

    Thanks everyone for your comments and helpful advice!

  8. Victoria, I agree with Mary, your pants look really good. I think a slight adjustment in the inseam from the crotch to the knee would help substantially. While you have them on, try pinning about 1/4 to 1/2" seam on both inseams. See if the wrinkles relax, if so, you got your fix. Good luck!

    By the way, I just jump right in and have screwed up many times...but I just toss it and on to the next project!! Hopefully, I'll get my white slacks before summer's over!!

  9. I like your thinking! I tend to jump into things and just give them a try too. It doesn't always work out but at least I am learning as I go.

    I have the same trouble with pants. I've just ordered the Fit For Real People book on pants. I'll let you know if there are any answers there. :-)

  10. An excellent reminder - I tend to mull things over too long before taking action. Yes, it prevents some mistakes, but it takes longer to get results.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment and for following me on my 10,000 Hour Sewing Challenge:)